Healing beyond the Body, Mind & Spirit

A modality positioned to repair internal MindBody disconnect and reignite connection to ones inherint healing wisdom.

FlameTree sessions are available for bookings one-on-one and remotely world-wide either online or via phone.

You will receive all of the benefits FlameTree has to offer remotely, as you would in person, therefore your healer does not need to be in the same country or state as you, distance is not a factor when it comes to your healing. That’s the beautiful part about bio-energetic fractal medicine and healing via consciousness.

During a FlameTree session, your healer may integrate any of the other health specialities or modalities that they offer if it’s indicated as a priority in your session or they may refer you to the specific practitioner or modality that will obtain you the optimal and fastest results to acheive health and development. Via your bodies biofeedback your healing occurs in the priority order to acheive optimal results in each FlameTree session.

What does an in-person session look like?

During an in-person session you will be lying on a massage table or in comfortable space where you can relax. In your session your healer will lightly hold the inside of your wrist for the majority of the session as your body provides feedback to your healer.

Towards the end of the session your healer will apply FlameTree techniques, holding your head and your heart and depending on what is a priority for you in that session, you will be asked to place light touch on the required areas of the body indicated for healing.

Many techniques are indicated in a session, generally ranging from 2- 10.

Some techniques that may be indicated in a session can include assisting deep relaxation by reseting the nervous system; improving brain communication and co-ordination; improved focus; improved decision making; hydration function enhanced; moving organs, endocrines, body parts, and even chakras. Emotions may be released; thoughts processed; beliefs & limitations fragmented, physical pain alleviated; scars dissipated; vaccine fragments eliminated; intolerances balanced; the list goes on. 

How FlameTree sessions acheive expression of your Optimal Self

Tension in the body is like having inflexibility in our beliefs. This tension creates unhealthy bio-electric signals and cues, an unhealthy biofield and the unhealthy expression of the bio-electric code, correcting your biofield is the foundation of FlameTree sessions.

When we surround ourselves with an unhealthy biofield, we become more reactive to life, preventing us from being present and calm, as well as robbing us of the ability to find solutions to life’s problems. We end up attracting more unhealthy bio-electric signals and cues into our life! We are no longer in alignment, synergy, authenticity and synergism (Be-ing), and this holds us back from being our optimal self, reaching our fullest potential and living our life of purpose.

What does a remote session look like?

You will meet your healer via zoom unless you do not have access to face-to-face technology. It is not essential for your FlameTree healer to know any of your previous history to carry out a FlameTree healing session, however it is nice to meet before and create a warm environment and hear a friendly voice on the other line.

Your introductory call will end and your Flametree healer uses a surrogate or other methods to perform your FlameTree session. Once your session is complete, you will be connected to your healer again via zoom or phone for a discussion of your session, bringing your conscious mind into the equation for your healing.

Remote sessions will varry between healers depending on the additional health modalities they have to offer.

How many FlameTree sessions will I need?

There is no specific answer to this question. 

How many years have you been alive, forming unhealthy habits, beliefs, years of conditioning, sabotage, challenging events, traumas and so on, have occured over your life time? How many times did you ‘not listen’ to your bodies messages? After 10 sessions of FlameTree you will not be able to return to your old self, this is enlightenment.

Your other than conscious mind, the observer, has stored your every experience. You carry everything with you on a day to day basis influencing every moment, thought, feeling, choice and action.

The general protocol recommended is 5 in 5. This means 5 sessions, 1 every 5 days. This is a general recommendation based on observation over the last 3 decades practising FlameTree.

Some people have obtained the results they were after in only the first session and others come fortnightly or monthly for ‘tune ups’, so the journey is yours.

FlameTree adresses disease states as well as human development and transformation.

Do you prescribe any supplements or products?

No products are prescribed in a FlameTree session. Your FlameTree Healer can do a session anywere, with their hands only.

In a FlameTree session, the only way products or supplements are indicated is if your innate wisdom directs your healer to other modalities. If, for example, your healer is also a qualified naturopath or Chinese medicine doctor, tinctures, herbs or supplements may be indicated, or even a consultation indicated under their qualified field of practice.

If your healer is not qualified to prescribe products, and if indicated during your session, you will be advised and referred to a practitioner that may assist.

The Rhett Ogston Applications comprise a variety of wellness courses, techniques and products therefore if you are coming for a session with the founder, Rhett Ogston, learning specific techniques eg, UEFT for emotional freedom may be advised additionally for achieving optimal results. 

Can I have a FlameTree session if I'm pregnant

Yes, we’ve had FlameTree clients undergoing healing sessions through out their whole pregnancy including for post-partum healing as sessions are extemly beneficial for pregnancy pains and issues during pregnancy.

You can read a review here.

FlameTree Healers

Advanced Certified FlameTree Healers


Rhett Ogston (FlameTree founder)

Dr. George Dellas (Chinese medicine)


Certified FlameTree Healers


Gabrielle Besser

Lan Nguyen



Dorothy Magoffin

Clive Rix



* each practitioner sets their own fees.

* you can book a session with the founder here at Rhett Ogston Applications.

How can I learn FlameTree for Self Healing?
Advanced FlameTree Self healing techniques are now taught in the Basic 6-day FlameTree course. You will learn a variety of techniques which allows you to perform sessions and healings for yourself at any time. Once you have completed your course, your facilitator will teach you how to apply the system and techniques for yourself. Now more than ever we need techniques available for ourselves that empowers us to move through challenges, overcome road blocks, remove limitations, heal emotions and pathologies and allow us to acheive optimal health, wellness and purpose. You can see our scheduled course dates here, in person & streamed live online.

FlameTree: the personal development & healing system is the signature Rhett Ogston Application (ROA)