Energy is the currency of all interactions in nature. To leave energetic considerations out of the equations of life and medicine is to ignore 99% of what is happening. We are just beginning to map the energetic pathways of the body. We just need a way to communicate with these electronic circuits, to turn on the right switches and harness the body’s ability to heal spontaneously. Energetic approaches work quickly and with few side effects. This is the medicine of the future.

– James Oschmann, PhD (biophysicist)

FlameTree was created as a state-of-the-art bio-energetic medicine & personal development system that would be truly integrative for all health modalities. FlameTree can be explained scientifically while drawing on a number of well-recognised traditional healing methods.

FlameTree offers a way to communicate with, not only these electronic circuits as Oschmann (above) suggests, but all interactions, such as bio-electric signals and cues, between you and your environment (nature), which influences:

  • the eight frequencies of the body
  • the biofield
  • the Absolute Consciousness
  • the URC (fractal pattern of the bio-electric code expressed physically)
  • cognitive resonance or dissonance
  • Being in alignment, synergy, authenticity and synergism™
  • the individual process


A stem cell is a special type of undifferentiated cell that has a unique property of being able to become any type of cell in the body, whether that is a healthy differentiated specialised cell [1] (e.g. muscle, bone, eye or organ cell) or a dis-eased cell [2]Shi-Ming Tu 2013, Cancer: a “stem-cell” disease?, Cancer Cell Int., 13: 40. An exciting scientific discovery in 2006 demonstrated that differentiated specialised cells can be induced back into a ‘stem-cell like state’ (referred to as dedifferentiation) given the appropriate environment. They refer to this cell as an induced pluripotent stem cell [3] Scientifically, what I thought was even more interesting is that this potential can occur in dis-eased cells! This was suggested by a research scientist [4]Shi-Ming Tu 2013, Cancer: a “stem-cell” disease?, Cancer Cell Int., 13: 40 who stated that: ‘There appears to be a malignant potential in every stem cell and a stem cell potential in every malignant cell.’ Dis-eased cells, given an appropriate environment, such as healthy bio-electric signals and cues, can revert back to a healthy cell! Take this a step further, the science of brain neuroplasticity now shows that the former scientific belief that the human brain was fixed has been proven not to be the case.  

So what do stem cells and neuroplasticity have to do with you?

I will use the analogy that ‘you’ are the ‘stem cell’, and like a stem cell, you have a limitless potential to become anything you want.You need to recall that you started life from two cells (sperm and ovum), and are now an organism of over 100 trillion cells, organised and influenced by bio-electric signals and cues. Essentially you are a community of communicating single cells making up a multicellular organism! Therefore, I like to think that all individuals, like a stem cell, possess the unique property of having the limitless potential to become any type of individual they choose, whether that is Be-ing a healthy person or being a dis-eased person. Be-ing encourages life to flow with the energies of the universe, harmoniously and peacefully. The process of Be-ing is reflected in a life of endless possibilities, harmony and peace. It is an active process where you are involved in every aspect of your life, and it is based on how we think (this concept is discussed in more detail in my book called The golden ring). Who would ever choose to be a dis-eased person? No one! But have you made a conscious choice to be a healthy person with limitless potential, to be the eternal warrior of your life? No one I know has until they receive FlameTree! I explain this concept more in my books The eternal worrier’s/warrior’s smile and From full to overflowing. The exciting part of my analogy is, like a stem cell, irrespective of who you currently are, the potential to return back to a ‘stem-cell-like state’ before the ‘trigger’ that initiated the differentiation process into that specialised cell (i.e. the current you) is possible! You can go back to the drawing board! And according to the science of neuroplasticity, whatever neural pathways have been created within your brain and become your defaults (e.g. self-limiting belief systems) can change, provided you become consciously aware of them and make the choice to choose a healthier desired outcome. For example, you can make the choice to rewire your brain from being the eternal worrier of your life to Be-ing the eternal warrior of your life, which means you can be congruent with your life and take action from a place of knowing. You need no justification when making choices if you already know your life’s direction, goals, hopes and aspirations. By living from this place, you are self-generating healthy bio-electric signals and cues, a healthy biofield, and the healthy expression of your bio-electric code. You can seamlessly and easily attract to you all that is good and right. FlameTree can be the interruption that dedifferentiates the current you to a place where every possibility in the universe still potentially exists, so you can make the choice of Be-ing your optimal self, whatever this means for you. Two questions that might come to your mind are: ‘What is the trigger that stimulates a stem cell to divide into either a healthy or dis-eased cell?’ and ‘How can FlameTree be the trigger to stimulate the optimal you?’ This brings me to the second part of my analogy — the biofield. I will use the analogy that ‘you’ are the ‘stem cell’, and like a stem cell, you have a limitless potential to become anything you want. You need to recall that you started life from two cells (sperm and ovum), and are now an organism of over 100 trillion cells, organised and influenced by bio-electric signals and cues. Essentially you are a community of communicating single cells making up a multicellular organism! Therefore, I like to think that all individuals, like a stem cell, possess the unique property of having the limitless potential to become any type of individual they choose, whether that is Be-ing a healthy person or being a dis-eased person. Be-ing encourages life to flow with the energies of the universe, harmoniously and peacefully. The process of Be-ing is reflected in a life of endless possibilities, harmony and peace. It is an active process where you are involved in every aspect of your life, and it is based on how we think (this concept is discussed in more detail in my book called The golden ring). Who would ever choose to be a dis-eased person? No one! But have you made a conscious choice to be a healthy person with limitless potential, to be the eternal warrior of your life? No one I know has until they receive FlameTree! I explain this concept more in my books The eternal worrier’s/warrior’s smile and From full to overflowing.

The exciting part of my analogy is, like a stem cell, irrespective of who you currently are, the potential to return back to a ‘stem-cell like state’ before the ‘trigger’ that initiated the differentiation process into that specialised cell (i.e. the current you) is possible! You can go back to the drawing board! And according to the science of neuroplasticity, whatever neural pathways have been created within your brain and become your defaults (e.g. self-limiting belief systems) can change, provided you become consciously aware of them and make the choice to choose a healthier desired outcome.

For example, you can make the choice to rewire your brain from being the eternal worrier of your life to Be-ing the eternal warrior of your life, which means you can be congruent with your life and take action from a place of knowing. You need no justification when making choices if you already know your life’s direction, goals, hopes and aspirations. By living from this place, you are self-generating healthy bio-electric signals and cues, a healthy biofield, and the healthy expression of your bio-electric code. You can seamlessly and easily attract to you all that is good and right. FlameTree can be the interruption that dedifferentiates the current you to a place where every possibility in the universe still potentially exists, so you can make the choice of Be-ing your optimal self, whatever this means for you.

Two questions that might come to your mind are: ‘What is the trigger that stimulates a stem cell to divide into either a healthy or dis-eased cell?’ and ‘How can FlameTree be the trigger to stimulate the optimal you?’ This brings me to the second part of my analogy — the biofield. 


Research scientists acknowledge that all living cells are immersed in energy fields (e.g. electro-magnetic waves — EMWs, also known as electro-magnetic fields — EMFs), which have been associated with cell health; that is, biofields are either beneficial or detrimental to the growth, development and repair of cells. [5]Liboff,A  PhD 2004, Toward an electromagnetic paradigm for biology and medicine, The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, Vol 10 No 1, pp. 41–47; Feinstein D & Eden D 2008, Six … Continue reading

This is clearly identified in the scientific literature: ‘On one hand, these EMWs provide immeasurable benefits; on the other hand, they may also create potential hazards through uncontrolled and excessive radiation emissions.’ [6]Singh S & Kapoor N 2014, Review article health implications of electromagnetic fields, mechanisms of action, and research needs, Advances in Biology, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Article ID … Continue reading

There is a vast amount of information on biofields (energy fields) and cell health that can be summarised into one sentence: ‘Healthy biofields (energy fields) result in healthy cells, while unhealthy biofields result in unhealthy cells’, which is encapsulated by my ‘Stem cell and biofield hypothesis’.

We know this to be true, because when a living cell is injured, there is a measurable change in the electrical potential (measured in millivolts) surrounding the cell. Healthy cells have a surface electrical potential of 90 millivolts, but a cell in a state of inflammation may increase to 120 millivolts, and a cell in a state of degeneration may drop to 30 millivolts.

Changes associated with a cell’s surface electrical potential are not a new discovery. It has been known since the early 1900s that when the integrity of living tissue (a group of specialised cells) is disturbed (e.g. amputation or other injury), electric currents — referred to as injury currents [7]Liboff,A  PhD 2004, Toward an electromagnetic paradigm for biology and medicine, The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, Vol 10 No 1, pp. 41–47. — are generated in the vicinity of the problem areas.

It was also observed that, at some point in time after the injury current is generated, there is a trigger that initiates an ‘injury current polarity reversal’ in which a ‘healing current’ is produced. This means that the cells of the injured tissue are now actively engaged in the repair and healing process.

A disturbance in the integrity of living tissue can also arise from non-physical events. For example, the scientific literature brings to our attention that unhealthy bio-electric signals and cues, such as an increase in EMF exposure ‘may have adverse consequences on health’ [8]WHO. Extremely low frequency fields. Environmental Health Criteria Monograph No. 238; available from; Singh S & Kapoor N 2014, Review … Continue reading

There is further scientific literature suggesting that:

EMFs emitted from laptops have the potential to adversely affect foetal development

EMFs from everyday life are linked to stress levels

Mental or emotional trauma can cause cell injury the same as physical trauma

Advances in cybernetics and optogenetic devices have shown it possible to allow human brain activities to program transgene expression in human cells

Lifestyle changes can influence human gene expression

Among other things… 

These findings are discussed here for those wanting more scientific detail.

The scientific research supports the possibility that healthy bio-electric signals and cues will result in healthy cells, and as we know, we humans are a community of communicating cells and stem cells. Based on this, it would not stretch the imagination that healthy biofields result in healthy humans, which leads to my (Rhett Ogston Applications) ‘Stem cell and biofield hypothesis’.


We are now at the point where I can bring together the stem cell and biofield — you may be able to see where my research and an analytical mind are heading.

My ‘Stem cell and biofield hypothesis’ offers a credible scientific explanation to explain the FlameTree effect. We start from the basic hypothesis that:


A healthy stem cell has a healthy biofield, and a healthy biofield will generate a healthy cell.

– Rhett Ogston 


When I upscale this hypothesis to us as individuals, then it is easy to understand the following:


A healthy individual (made up of many stem cells and cells) has a healthy biofield, and a healthy biofield will generate a healthy individual.


Certified FlameTree Healers generate healthy bio-electric signals and cues with their brain waves, heart waves and hands, reinforced by the recipient who, after receiving FlameTree, feels more relaxed, calm and peaceful, allowing them to generate their own healing currents.

Mental states, such as intention on mindfulness and thought (healthy bio-electric signals and cues), create brain waves that lead to a healthy biofield and the healthy expression of the bio-electric code, where the biofield is in synchronisation with Schumann resonance.

The overall effect of creating these healthy bio-electric signals and cues is to interrupt their current default unhealthy neural pathways and create the potential for the person to return to their ‘stem-cell-like state’, that is their authentic or optimal self, where all possibilities exist. I propose that by Be-ing your optimal self, you will have the capacity to generate your own healing currents (a healthy biofield and expression of the bio-electric code). This would result in influencing healthy gene expression and telomere length, which translates to healthy cells. Healthy cells translate to a healthy person, and healthy people translate to a healthy community, as outlined by the fractal nature of the universe represented by a microcosm and macrocosm table.

The person who receives FlameTree may have increased energy, vitality, inspiration and health. As an example, you can watch this video of a FlameTree recipient returning to a stem-cell like state after healthy energy fields were created by FlameTree.



Schumann resonance is the sum total of all electromagnetic vibrations and waves between the earth and the ionosphere. It is postulated that the Schumann resonance signal provides a brain frequency range matching electromagnetic signal to provide the synchronisation needed for intelligence. This enables the brain to retain intelligent thinking and sustain rapid intelligence and reactions.[9]Cherry NJ 2003, Human intelligence: the brain, an electromagnetic system synchronised by the Schumann Resonance signal, Medical Hypotheses, Jun, Vol. 60(6), pp. 843–4. Pearce, in his book, refers to two geniuses of the late 13th and early 14th centuries who spoke of ‘creator and created give rise to each other’. He explains that ‘the relationship between intelligence and intellect is similar, each of which is designed by evolution to give rise to the other.’ [10]Pearce, JC 2002, The biology of transcendence, Park Street Press, Rochester, Vermont, p. 42.

The hands of healers have been measured to have electromagnetic fields, which increase significantly when the healer is focused on the healing process. [11]Feinstein, D & Eden, D 2008, Six pillars of energy medicine: Clinical strengths of a complementary paradigm, Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, Jan–Feb, 14(1): 44–54; Zimmerman, J … Continue reading

When Certified FlameTree Healers (CFTHs) are performing a technique, they place their intention on observing the person receiving the FlameTree session with mindfulness, and as such are being a healthy bio-electric signal and cue. The CFTH’s brain waves (intention of mindfulness and thought) and heart waves, through resonance, would also serve as healthy bio-electric signals and cues for the FlameTree recipient, all of which would be further enhanced by the CFTH placing their hands on the person receiving FlameTree.

Said another way, the scientific research reflects the possibility that CFTHs can create healthy bio-electric signals and cues with their hands and intention, which may induce healing currents and reflects healthy outcomes for the person receiving FlameTree.

This provides credence to my ‘Stem cell and biofield hypothesis’, and I would like to think that healthy outcomes extend beyond just physical trauma (cell or tissue injury) and emotional trauma to all eight frequencies of the body as I propose in my FlameTree protocol.

One of the outcomes of FlameTree is assisting the recipient to resolve issues that generate negative feelings. CFTHs, therefore, assist people to return to a mental state in which they themselves can be generating their own healthy bio-electric signals and cues.

Read more in The Science and Acheivements of FlameTree – by Rhett Ogston


1, 3
2, 4 Shi-Ming Tu 2013, Cancer: a “stem-cell” disease?, Cancer Cell Int., 13: 40
5 Liboff,A  PhD 2004, Toward an electromagnetic paradigm for biology and medicine, The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, Vol 10 No 1, pp. 41–47; Feinstein D & Eden D 2008, Six pillars of energy medicine: Clinical strengths of a complementary paradigm, Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, Jan–Feb, 14(1): 44–54; Kobayashi M, Kikuchi D & Okamura H 2009, Imaging of ultraweak spontaneous photon emission from human body displaying diurnal rhythm. PLoSONE 4(7), e6256, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0006256; Singh S & Kapoor N 2014, Review article health implications of electromagnetic fields, mechanisms of action, and research needs, Advances in Biology, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Article ID 198609, 24 pages
6 Singh S & Kapoor N 2014, Review article health implications of electromagnetic fields, mechanisms of action, and research needs, Advances in Biology, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Article ID 198609, 24 pages.
7 Liboff,A  PhD 2004, Toward an electromagnetic paradigm for biology and medicine, The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, Vol 10 No 1, pp. 41–47.
8 WHO. Extremely low frequency fields. Environmental Health Criteria Monograph No. 238; available from; Singh S & Kapoor N 2014, Review article health implications of electromagnetic fields, mechanisms of action, and research needs, Advances in Biology, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Article ID 198609, 24 pages.
9 Cherry NJ 2003, Human intelligence: the brain, an electromagnetic system synchronised by the Schumann Resonance signal, Medical Hypotheses, Jun, Vol. 60(6), pp. 843–4.
10 Pearce, JC 2002, The biology of transcendence, Park Street Press, Rochester, Vermont, p. 42.
11 Feinstein, D & Eden, D 2008, Six pillars of energy medicine: Clinical strengths of a complementary paradigm, Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, Jan–Feb, 14(1): 44–54; Zimmerman, J 1990, Laying-on-of-hands healing and therapeutic touch: A testable theory’, BEMI, Currents, Journal of the Bio-Electro-Magnetics Institute, (2) pp. 8–17.