FlameTree sessions are available for bookings one-on-one and remotely world-wide either online or via phone.
FlameTree courses run quarterly in Melbourne, Australia face-to-face in the South Eastern suburbs and are streamed remotely, live, online via zoom worldwide.
FlameTree is a new paradigm in healing and energy medicine, an integrative & complimentary medicine modality that we all need to live with vitality, optimal health, alignment and purpose.
During a FlameTree session, your healer may integrate any of the other health specialities or modalities that they offer if it’s indicated as a priority in your session or they may refer you to the specific practitioner or modality that will obtain you the optimal and fastest results to acheive health and development. Via your bodies biofeedback your healing occurs in the priority order to acheive optimal results in each FlameTree session.
FlameTree: Sessions
How does FlameTree help you?
Including FlameTree sessions as part of your healthcare, you will be able to break through your materialistic conditioning (i.e., viewing reality as defined by Newtonian physics), to become free through a quantum understanding and experience of consciousness.
If you wish to explore the idea that consciousness, rather than matter, is the ground of all being, then the FlameTree: the personal development and healing system is for you. Whatever your background, FlameTree: the personal development and healing system is sure to fascinate you in its exploration of the transformative aspects of quantum physics. FlameTree: the personal development and healing system reveals to you how quantum aspects, of downward causation such as how you set intentions, have impacted your life. In connection with the subtle dimension of reality you will experience your vital energy centres (the chakras) and chakra healing as well as meridian and traditional Chinese medicine healing. In connection with creativity, you will have an experience of ‘creative flow’. FlameTree: the personal development and healing system initiates you into quantum activism, a new integral (karmic and dharmic) understanding that allows you to re-establish who you are, your ethics in ourselves and your place in this world. Do not miss this unique opportunity to experience or learn FlameTree: the personal development and healing system.
What is the purpose of FlameTree as a modality?
The purpose of FlameTree: the personal development & healing system is to free people’s minds to allow them to explore a radically different, more optimistic interpretation of life. A life free from a world dominated by unbridled violence and insatiable greed, egotistic hierarchy of values, corrupted institutions and corporations, and irreconcilable conflicts between organized religions and of desires of the material world. FlameTree: personal development & healing system seeks to aid in a mass inner transformation of humanity.
“We shall not cease from exploration. And the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.” – T.S.Eliot, Little Giddien, British (US-born) critic, dramatis and poet (1888 – 1965)
How does FlameTree work?
FlameTree: the personal development & healing system draws on scientific principles to heal the split mind, re-establishes communication with our innate, explores intuition and reconnects communication systems in the body. Consider the following statements:
“We believe it is now possible to achieve a society where people would be able to live longer, healthier, and more meaningful productive lives. In such a society, the measure of success would be based upon the fulfilment of one’s individual pursuits rather than the acquisition of wealth, property, and power. Although many of the concepts presented here may appear as unattainable goals, all of the ideas are based upon known scientific principles.” —Jacque Fresco. FlameTree: the personal development & healing system is a pathway to this reality.
“As we complete this apocalyptic passage, we will conceive ourselves, increasingly, as fractal expressions of a unified field of consciousness and sentient aspects of a planetary ecology—the Gaian mind—that is continually changed by our actions, and even our thoughts.” —Daniel Pinchbeck. FlameTree: the personal development & healing system acknowledges that we create our own perception, which agrees with the statement above and is further clarified by a quote from Amit Goswami:
“Quantum measurements inject our consciousness into the arena of the so-called objective world. There is no paradox in the delayed-choice experiment if we give up the idea that there is a fixed and independent material world even when we are not observing it. Ultimately, it boils down to what you, the observer, want to see. “ — Amit Goswami, The Self-Aware Universe. Whilst this may sound complex and daunting, FlameTree: the personal development & healing system is an astonishingly simple and effective personal development and healing system that allows the non ego derived voice of the innate to speak and be listened to, which if we listen, allows the body’s energy systems to re-synchronize so that we are able to operate as nature intended.
Our mind must solve problems of how to navigate the modern world we live in; to accomplish this it must create a paradox in itself, of polarities or duality (split mind). Added to this everything in the modern world is a stressor that compromises the innate’s lines of communication. The split mind combined with impaired communication can lead to significant decline in physical, emotion, spiritual, intellectual and or mental well-being of an individual. Healing the split mind and reconnecting the lines of communication enables the body’s innate development healing mechanisms to operate at optimal levels. The result is improved health, enhanced ability to grow and develop as a person, expanded consciousness, and enhanced ability to prevent disease states in the future. The more clutter that is cleared, the more easily the body can heal, leading to development and healing on all aspects.
Is FlameTree: the personal development & healing system safe? And how is it used?
FlameTree: the personal development & healing system is also non-invasive, easy to learn and apply and works effectively on humans, animals and plants. If a FlameTree technique is incorrectly implemented, there is no side effect. Because of this built-in safety factor (one of many), anyone who receives a FlameTree session has nothing to lose and everything to gain as far as their personal development, health and wellness are concerned. FlameTree: the personal development & healing system may be used as a standalone system to aid in personal development and to treat many chronic and acute health problems. Any other modality may be seamlessly integrated with the FlameTree to increase its overall effectiveness. FlameTree: the personal development & healing system’s strengths are its depth, simplicity, safety, accuracy and the speed of results.
Is FlameTree comprehensive?
FlameTree: the personal development & healing system is an integration of quantum physics, science, Western medical expertise, spiritual principles, advanced yoga, the energy dynamics of acupuncture, BodyTalk, philosophy and understanding of traditional Chinese medicine, reiki, massage, aromatic, counselling, psychology, reconnection, emotional field therapy, Ayurvedic medicine, consciousness, the clinical findings of applied kinesiology and life coaching… A systems approach to personal development & wholistic healing.
FlameTree: the personal development & healing system is a state-of-the-art system and can be used as a standalone modality and seamlessly integrated with any or all other modalities.
FlameTree: the personal development & healing system increases their efficiency and proficiency, leading to the promotion of fast results.
FlameTree: the personal development & healing system can be used for diverse disorders as arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, viruses and infections, emotional & psychological disorders and much, much more.
We are not:
- Enablers for pseudo self helpers (we cut to the chase)
- Supplement distributors, bags full of potions, lotions or pills
- Asking you to make any major changes to your life style
- … Everything we do is quite relaxing
- Asking you to quit anything
- Asking you to cease with any other health care system (it enhances what you are already doing)
How does FlameTree relate to me?
FlameTree: the personal development and healing system removes any limiting belief systems, uncovers the root cause behind disorders and hooks up the communication in your body to broaden and expand your way of thinking. The result is a rapid transformation of your life and health. For example, our technology has improved. It enables us to communicate faster through mobile phones and the Internet, time appears to have sped up, however we still seem to have even less time for leisure activities. FlameTree: the personal development and healing system can aid you in understanding these shifts, how they are affecting you and most importantly alleviate any negative impact. FlameTree: the personal development and healing system also aids you to see ways in which you can create change and healing in your world, to better accommodate your own needs and learn to adjust to the shifting times.
What makes FlameTree: the personal development & healing system different from others?
FlameTree uniquely focuses on expanding one mind at a time, leading us to a critical mass of expanded minds. FlameTree: the personal development and healing system is unique, it works at the level of consciousness to resolve issues in the bodymind complex whether it be emotional, mental or physical etc. It is truly holistic and works in a 3-dimensional manner to alleviate suffering and self imposed limitations. All based on science, philosophy, personal growth, sustainability, shamanism, energy, health, art, and history. We have brought together all of the research from the people who are at the forefront of their fields in these subjects, to help us further explore the issues that are affecting all of us on this planet. FlameTree: the personal development & healing system is the first to integrate personal development and healing together.
Why is personal development and healing addressed together?
FlameTree: the personal development & healing system understands we must address the lower mind before we can move to self-development.
“A hungry man cares not for self-enlightenment” – Rhett Ogston.
FlameTree: the personal development & healing system achieves this by harmonizing Maslow’s deficiency needs within the bodymind by resolving the split mind.
What is Maslow’s hierachy of needs?
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is predetermined in order of importance. It is often depicted as a pyramid consisting of five levels: the lowest level is associated with physiological needs, while the uppermost level is associated with self-actualization needs, particularly those related to identity and purpose. Deficiency needs must be met first. Once met, personal growth predominates. The higher needs in this hierarchy only come into focus when the lower needs in the pyramid are met. Once an individual has moved upwards to the next level, needs in the lower level will no longer be prioritized. If a lower set of needs is no longer being met, the individual will temporarily re-prioritize those needs by focusing attention on the unfulfilled needs, but will not permanently regress to the lower level. For instance, a businessman at the esteem level who is diagnosed with cancer will spend a great deal of time concentrating on his health (physiological needs), but will continue to value his work performance (esteem needs) and will likely return to work during periods of remission.
Are you affiliated with a religious group or organization?
No, we are not affiliated with any group or religion. Yes, we believe that human beings have a spiritual aspect. We are non-dogmatic and non-doctrinaire and advocate a direct knowing with yourself. Our intention is to teach you a simple yet powerful system that empowers you.
FlameTree: the personal development and healing system is based on science and is delivered to you in an intensive four-day seminar. You will have access to the thoughts and insights of some of the most progressive, leading edge thinkers in the world. We research, integrate and present the teachings of those people who we find to be within their personal integrity and who offer interesting and uplifting perspectives beyond which their ego needs to impress.
How FlameTree sessions acheive expression of your Optimal Self
Tension in the body is like having inflexibility in our beliefs. This tension creates unhealthy bio-electric signals and cues, an unhealthy biofield and the unhealthy expression of the bio-electric code, correcting your biofield is the foundation of FlameTree sessions.
When we surround ourselves with an unhealthy biofield, we become more reactive to life, preventing us from being present and calm, as well as robbing us of the ability to find solutions to life’s problems. We end up attracting more unhealthy bio-electric signals and cues into our life! We are no longer in alignment, synergy, authenticity and synergism (Be-ing), and this holds us back from being our optimal self, reaching our fullest potential and living our life of purpose.
What does an in-person session look like?
During an in-person session you will be lying on a massage table or in comfortable space where you can relax. In your session your healer will lightly hold the inside of your wrist for the majority of the session as your body provides feedback to your healer. The FlameTree Healer conducts the myocyte/tendon reflex response (our Yes/No tool) and asks the questions from the FlameTree protocol (since you only have a Yes or No answer, the questions are KEY!).
Towards the end of the session your healer will apply FlameTree techniques, holding your head and your heart and depending on what is a priority for you in that session, you will be asked to place light touch on the required areas of the body indicated for healing. Here, the healer will release the stories that have been affecting the functioning of the body mind complex, which improves communication. The areas of touch are the areas that the story affected or that are not communicating, or not communicating as well as they could be, (this is waking up the body to the fact there is something to do, something to fix) kind of like right before you read this next sentence, you were not aware of how the clothes on your back felt or how the seat under your bottom felt, but when they are brought to your awareness, you are suddenly aware of the contact.
We are bringing these areas (that are not communicating) to the body’s awareness, simply by touching the reflex areas, just like telling you about the clothes on your back and your body realizing (again) that they are there. As we are touching these reflex areas, we hold your head and heart. This is literally stimulating the body to heal itself (verified by ECG’s, Biofeedback machines & Oldfield camera) and keeping those changes permanent, respectively. This way we don’t have go back and fix that problem or lack of communication again! You will never have the same session or problem again!
Many techniques are indicated in a session, generally ranging from 2- 10.
Some techniques that may be indicated in a session can include assisting deep relaxation by reseting the nervous system; improving brain communication and co-ordination; improved focus; improved decision making; hydration function enhanced; moving organs, endocrines, body parts, and even chakras. Emotions may be released; thoughts processed; beliefs & limitations fragmented, physical pain alleviated; scars dissipated; vaccine fragments eliminated; intolerances balanced; the list goes on.
We then ask the innate wisdom if what we did was sufficient. If no, we go back and re-release the story. Once we have confirmation that what we did worked, we then find the next thing that the innate wisdom wants us to do. We then touch the person on those spots; hold them on the head and heart.
Simple, Easy, and EXTREMELY effective!
Are sessions hand-made, uniquely and individually tailored for me?
Yes. FlameTree: the personal development & healing system sessions are easy, safe and comfortable; they are free from expectation, judgement or agendas and are hand-made, uniquely and individually tailored for you. All sessions are conducted fully clothed. FlameTree: the personal development & healing systemsessions usually lasts between 15 and 45 minutes, however some have gone for over three hours. The length of a session in no way indicates the quality of the session or the results that occur. Short and sweet sessions can be quite profound. The bodymind is aware of the order and number of corrections it is required to initiate in any given session, and indicates when that amount of work is complete, hence signalling the completion of the session. This results in some fantastic benefits, a few of which are discussed on our benefits page.
Is there anything I need to do during the session?
No. All you need to do is relax and let the Healer lightly touch reflex points and hold your head and over your heart.
How long will the sessions take?
Each session usually lasts for about 30 minutes- 1 hour; with time after the session for an explanation about your stories.
How will you know what is wrong with me?
That is the beauty of FlameTree: the personal development & healing system. We don’t have to know what is wrong with you. Your success in healing is not limited by our ability to diagnose what is wrong with you.
FlameTree: the personal development & healing system and the innate wisdom of your Being, guides us to help improve the communication within you, so your body can heal itself. It does this independent of whether or not you have an accurate diagnosis. And usually, it happens “better” if there is no diagnosis present. This is possible because the diagnosis tells you nothing about the cause or how to help the body heal.
It is the innate wisdom of your body that guides us to help it make the changes necessary, so it CAN heal you, just like when you cut your finger.
Are sessions hand-made, uniquely and individually tailored for me?
What we do is look at your entire system. Your body has many different things that are contributing to your symptoms/disease/issue. What we do is ask the innate wisdom what it wants to do to help you heal. The innate wisdom knows everything that is “wrong” and it takes all of that into account, and then tells us what to do to help you heal. And, since we look at your entire being, instead of just the symptom, many of the major factors that contribute to your symptom, we are able to assist you in healing quicker, and with longer lasting results.
So in essence, we assist you to heal, and when your body heals, it usually means your symptoms disappear. So we don’t treat your symptoms, we assist your body, and your body heals your symptoms.
What does a remote session look like?
You will meet your healer via zoom unless you do not have access to face-to-face technology. It is not essential for your FlameTree healer to know any of your previous history to carry out a FlameTree healing session, however it is nice to meet before and create a warm environment and hear a friendly voice on the other line.
Your introductory call will end and your Flametree healer uses a surrogate or other methods to perform your FlameTree session. Once your session is complete, you will be connected to your healer again via zoom or phone for a discussion of your session, bringing your conscious mind into the equation for your healing.
Remote sessions will varry between healers depending on the additional health modalities they have to offer.
How many FlameTree sessions will I need?
There is no specific answer to this question.
How many years have you been alive, forming unhealthy habits, beliefs, years of conditioning, sabotage, challenging events, traumas and so on, have occured over your life time? How many times did you ‘not listen’ to your bodies messages? After 10 sessions of FlameTree you will not be able to return to your old self, this is enlightenment.
Your other than conscious mind, the observer, has stored your every experience. You carry everything with you on a day to day basis influencing every moment, thought, feeling, choice and action.
The general protocol recommended is 5 in 5. This means 5 sessions, 1 every 5 days. This is a general recommendation based on observation over the last 3 decades practising FlameTree.
Some people have obtained the results they were after in only the first session and others come fortnightly or monthly for ‘tune ups’, so the journey is yours.
FlameTree adresses disease states as well as human development and transformation.
Do you prescribe any supplements or products?
No products are prescribed in a FlameTree session. Your FlameTree Healer can do a session anywere, with their hands only.
In a FlameTree session, the only way products or supplements are indicated is if your innate wisdom directs your healer to other modalities. If, for example, your healer is also a qualified naturopath or Chinese medicine doctor, tinctures, herbs or supplements may be indicated, or even a consultation indicated under their qualified field of practice.
If your healer is not qualified to prescribe products, and if indicated during your session, you will be advised and referred to a practitioner that may assist.
The Rhett Ogston Applications comprise a variety of wellness courses, techniques and products therefore if you are coming for a session with the founder, Rhett Ogston, learning specific techniques eg, UEFT for emotional freedom may be advised additionally for achieving optimal results.
Can I have a FlameTree session if I'm pregnant
Yes, we’ve had FlameTree clients undergoing healing sessions through out their whole pregnancy including for post-partum healing as sessions are extemly beneficial for pregnancy pains and issues during pregnancy.
You can read a review here.
FlameTree Healers
Advanced Certified FlameTree Healers
Rhett Ogston (FlameTree founder)
Dr. George Dellas (Chinese medicine)
Certified FlameTree Healers
Lan Nguyen
Dorothy Magoffin
* each practitioner sets their own fees.
* you can book a session with the founder here at Rhett Ogston Applications.
FlameTree: The Course
How can I learn FlameTree?
The Basic 6-day FlameTree course is taught live in Melbourne, Australia 4 times a year. These courses can be streamed live world-wide therefore distance in not a limitation.
The FlameTree course is not an online course for each course is different and includes 6 days of personal healing as well for every student.
You will learn a variety of techniques which allows you to perform sessions and healings for yourself at any time. Once you have completed your course, your facilitator will teach you how to apply the system and techniques for yourself with the addition of the Self Healing techniques from the Advanced FlameTree course. Now more than ever we need techniques available for ourselves that empowers us to move through challenges, overcome road blocks, remove limitations, heal emotions and pathologies and allow us to acheive optimal health, wellness and purpose.
You can see our scheduled course dates here, in person & streamed live online.
How can I learn FlameTree for Self Healing?
Advanced FlameTree Self healing techniques are now taught in the Basic 6-day FlameTree course. You will learn a variety of techniques which allows you to perform sessions and healings for yourself at any time. Once you have completed your course, your facilitator will teach you how to apply the system and techniques for yourself. Now more than ever we need techniques available for ourselves that empowers us to move through challenges, overcome road blocks, remove limitations, heal emotions and pathologies and allow us to acheive optimal health, wellness and purpose.
You can see our scheduled course dates here, in person & streamed live online.
What are the learning pathways within FlameTree?
After completing FlameTree: the personal development & healing system – Student Tuition you can complete the Healer Exam to gain the qualification: Certified FlameTree: the personal development & healing system Healer, to start living and practicing FlameTree professionally. You can then choose to attend further tuition that will allow you to be competent at an Advanced Healer level. Should you wish to share FlameTree message with others, you may continue your journey and become a certified FlameTree Instructor. The FlameTree Instructor Assessment course can be completed once you are qualified as a FlameTree Healer. You can also become an Advanced Instructor, once competent as an Advanced Healer and Instructor.
You can see our scheduled course dates here, in person & streamed live online.
What is the FlameTree Healers role?
Simply put the role of the practitioner, via FlameTree: the personal development & healing system, is to aid the client in fulfilling the lower needs (Maslow’s heirachy), so they can progress to self actualization and self transcendence through healing the split mind.
How does a FlameTree Healer think?
A FlameTree Healer has been taught a unique way of learning at the beginning of their training that utilizes cutting edge learning technologies that result in ‘whole brain thinking’. The FlameTree Healer then uses their knowledge of theFlameTree protocol, driven by FlameTree procedure to discover the split mind and weakened connections via the reflex response. FlameTree: the personal development & healing system procedure is the Healer’s compass and the FlameTree protocol chart is the Healer’s map of the bodymind complex. Each section of the protocol addresses a specific level of the bodymind, including all spiritual, energetic, sexual, emotional, mental, internal, physical and external levels found inside and outside of the body. The FlameTree practitioner uses their whole brain to identify the story’s that need release, which the bodymind complex then transforms into healing stimuli.
How is FlameTree different to Bodytalk?
On the surface FlameTree and BodyTalk may look similar and that would make sense because Rhett is a like Gary Craig who founded EFT (emotional freedom technique) from TFT (thought field therapy). That is, Rhett was the world’s first advanced BodyTalk practitioner and he went to Canada to complete his training as a certified BodyTalk instructor, all of this he completed whilst consistently working on and developing FlameTree (which started in Melbourne, Australia circa 2001 during the founders time completing his Honours year at Melbourne University).
What are the similarities with BodyTalk therapy?
Both systems acknowledge the innate wisdom, use a myocyte tendon reflex response and follow a protocol and procedure.
What are the differences with BodyTalk therapy?
FlameTree is based in consciousness and was created because the founder mapped the human psyche into distinct energetic frequencies, which are unique to FlameTree. The FlameTree modality is curretly the only system that can heal the body fractally with its protocol. FlameTree is the only system to address the bodies 8 frequencys.
Which represents better value?
FlameTree was created incorporating everything that BodyTalk has, which makes sense, as there no point in reinventing the wheel. FlameTree then far extends on the knowledge of BodyTalk by being able to seamlessly incorporate each of the different frequencies of the BodyMind complex.
14 Reasons why you need to incorporate FlameTree Sessions into your Life or Learn how to apply this System for Yourself
- Unique understanding of the psyche and energetic frequencies of the BodyMind complex
- Unique engineering and design that allows for complete adaptability to the client
- Can incorporates every other modality and enhances their results (Incorporates everything that BodyTalk has)
- Represents all that is and is based in consciousness
- World leading understanding relating to the psyche and consciousness (many other systems still operate based on body mind spirit, when there is so much more)
- Each client is unique and FlameTree adapts itself to the client
- Is completely reproducible, even by lay people
- Can treat multiple different frequencies, issues and problems in one session
- Scientifically based
- Harmoniously matches science and ancient traditional Chinese medical principles
- Has to be learned to understand why it is light years ahead of everything else
- Saves you time
- Saves you money
- Provides you with all the answers to life, from YOU, not from anyone else.

FlameTree: the personal development & healing system is the signature Rhett Ogston Application (ROA)
FlameTree sessions are available for bookings one-on-one and remotely world-wide either online or via phone.
FlameTree courses run quarterly in Melbourne, Australia face-to-face in the South Eastern suburbs and are streamed remotely, live, online via zoom worldwide.
FlameTree is a new paradigm in healing and energy medicine, an integrative & complimentary medicine modality that we all need to live with vitality, optimal health, alignment and purpose.
During a FlameTree session, your healer may integrate any of the other health specialities or modalities that they offer if it’s indicated as a priority in your session or they may refer you to the specific practitioner or modality that will obtain you the optimal and fastest results to acheive health and development. Via your bodies biofeedback your healing occurs in the priority order to acheive optimal results in each FlameTree session.
How does FlameTree help you?
Including FlameTree sessions as part of your healthcare, you will be able to break through your materialistic conditioning (i.e., viewing reality as defined by Newtonian physics), to become free through a quantum understanding and experience of consciousness.
If you wish to explore the idea that consciousness, rather than matter, is the ground of all being, then the FlameTree: the personal development and healing system is for you. Whatever your background, FlameTree: the personal development and healing system is sure to fascinate you in its exploration of the transformative aspects of quantum physics. FlameTree: the personal development and healing system reveals to you how quantum aspects, of downward causation such as how you set intentions, have impacted your life. In connection with the subtle dimension of reality you will experience your vital energy centres (the chakras) and chakra healing as well as meridian and traditional Chinese medicine healing. In connection with creativity, you will have an experience of ‘creative flow’. FlameTree: the personal development and healing system initiates you into quantum activism, a new integral (karmic and dharmic) understanding that allows you to re-establish who you are, your ethics in ourselves and your place in this world. Do not miss this unique opportunity to experience or learn FlameTree: the personal development and healing system.
What is the purpose of FlameTree as a modality?
The purpose of FlameTree: the personal development & healing system is to free people’s minds to allow them to explore a radically different, more optimistic interpretation of life. A life free from a world dominated by unbridled violence and insatiable greed, egotistic hierarchy of values, corrupted institutions and corporations, and irreconcilable conflicts between organized religions and of desires of the material world. FlameTree: personal development & healing system seeks to aid in a mass inner transformation of humanity.
“We shall not cease from exploration. And the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.” – T.S.Eliot, Little Giddien, British (US-born) critic, dramatis and poet (1888 – 1965)
How does FlameTree work?
FlameTree: the personal development & healing system draws on scientific principles to heal the split mind, re-establishes communication with our innate, explores intuition and reconnects communication systems in the body. Consider the following statements:
“We believe it is now possible to achieve a society where people would be able to live longer, healthier, and more meaningful productive lives. In such a society, the measure of success would be based upon the fulfilment of one’s individual pursuits rather than the acquisition of wealth, property, and power. Although many of the concepts presented here may appear as unattainable goals, all of the ideas are based upon known scientific principles.” —Jacque Fresco. FlameTree: the personal development & healing system is a pathway to this reality.
“As we complete this apocalyptic passage, we will conceive ourselves, increasingly, as fractal expressions of a unified field of consciousness and sentient aspects of a planetary ecology—the Gaian mind—that is continually changed by our actions, and even our thoughts.” —Daniel Pinchbeck. FlameTree: the personal development & healing system acknowledges that we create our own perception, which agrees with the statement above and is further clarified by a quote from Amit Goswami:
“Quantum measurements inject our consciousness into the arena of the so-called objective world. There is no paradox in the delayed-choice experiment if we give up the idea that there is a fixed and independent material world even when we are not observing it. Ultimately, it boils down to what you, the observer, want to see. “ — Amit Goswami, The Self-Aware Universe. Whilst this may sound complex and daunting, FlameTree: the personal development & healing system is an astonishingly simple and effective personal development and healing system that allows the non ego derived voice of the innate to speak and be listened to, which if we listen, allows the body’s energy systems to re-synchronize so that we are able to operate as nature intended.
Our mind must solve problems of how to navigate the modern world we live in; to accomplish this it must create a paradox in itself, of polarities or duality (split mind). Added to this everything in the modern world is a stressor that compromises the innate’s lines of communication. The split mind combined with impaired communication can lead to significant decline in physical, emotion, spiritual, intellectual and or mental well-being of an individual. Healing the split mind and reconnecting the lines of communication enables the body’s innate development healing mechanisms to operate at optimal levels. The result is improved health, enhanced ability to grow and develop as a person, expanded consciousness, and enhanced ability to prevent disease states in the future. The more clutter that is cleared, the more easily the body can heal, leading to development and healing on all aspects.
Is FlameTree: the personal development & healing system safe? And how is it used?
FlameTree: the personal development & healing system is also non-invasive, easy to learn and apply and works effectively on humans, animals and plants. If a FlameTree technique is incorrectly implemented, there is no side effect. Because of this built-in safety factor (one of many), anyone who receives a FlameTree session has nothing to lose and everything to gain as far as their personal development, health and wellness are concerned. FlameTree: the personal development & healing system may be used as a standalone system to aid in personal development and to treat many chronic and acute health problems. Any other modality may be seamlessly integrated with the FlameTree to increase its overall effectiveness. FlameTree: the personal development & healing system’s strengths are its depth, simplicity, safety, accuracy and the speed of results.
Is FlameTree comprehensive?
FlameTree: the personal development & healing system is an integration of quantum physics, science, Western medical expertise, spiritual principles, advanced yoga, the energy dynamics of acupuncture, BodyTalk, philosophy and understanding of traditional Chinese medicine, reiki, massage, aromatic, counselling, psychology, reconnection, emotional field therapy, Ayurvedic medicine, consciousness, the clinical findings of applied kinesiology and life coaching… A systems approach to personal development & wholistic healing.
FlameTree: the personal development & healing system is a state-of-the-art system and can be used as a standalone modality and seamlessly integrated with any or all other modalities.
FlameTree: the personal development & healing system increases their efficiency and proficiency, leading to the promotion of fast results.
FlameTree: the personal development & healing system can be used for diverse disorders as arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, viruses and infections, emotional & psychological disorders and much, much more.
We are not:
- Enablers for pseudo self helpers (we cut to the chase)
- Supplement distributors, bags full of potions, lotions or pills
- Asking you to make any major changes to your life style
- … Everything we do is quite relaxing
- Asking you to quit anything
- Asking you to cease with any other health care system (it enhances what you are already doing)
How does FlameTree relate to me?
FlameTree: the personal development and healing system removes any limiting belief systems, uncovers the root cause behind disorders and hooks up the communication in your body to broaden and expand your way of thinking. The result is a rapid transformation of your life and health. For example, our technology has improved. It enables us to communicate faster through mobile phones and the Internet, time appears to have sped up, however we still seem to have even less time for leisure activities. FlameTree: the personal development and healing system can aid you in understanding these shifts, how they are affecting you and most importantly alleviate any negative impact. FlameTree: the personal development and healing system also aids you to see ways in which you can create change and healing in your world, to better accommodate your own needs and learn to adjust to the shifting times.
What makes FlameTree: the personal development & healing system different from others?
FlameTree uniquely focuses on expanding one mind at a time, leading us to a critical mass of expanded minds. FlameTree: the personal development and healing system is unique, it works at the level of consciousness to resolve issues in the bodymind complex whether it be emotional, mental or physical etc. It is truly holistic and works in a 3-dimensional manner to alleviate suffering and self imposed limitations. All based on science, philosophy, personal growth, sustainability, shamanism, energy, health, art, and history. We have brought together all of the research from the people who are at the forefront of their fields in these subjects, to help us further explore the issues that are affecting all of us on this planet. FlameTree: the personal development & healing system is the first to integrate personal development and healing together.
Why is personal development and healing addressed together?
FlameTree: the personal development & healing system understands we must address the lower mind before we can move to self-development.
“A hungry man cares not for self-enlightenment” – Rhett Ogston.
FlameTree: the personal development & healing system achieves this by harmonizing Maslow’s deficiency needs within the bodymind by resolving the split mind.
What is Maslow’s hierachy of needs?
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is predetermined in order of importance. It is often depicted as a pyramid consisting of five levels: the lowest level is associated with physiological needs, while the uppermost level is associated with self-actualization needs, particularly those related to identity and purpose. Deficiency needs must be met first. Once met, personal growth predominates. The higher needs in this hierarchy only come into focus when the lower needs in the pyramid are met. Once an individual has moved upwards to the next level, needs in the lower level will no longer be prioritized. If a lower set of needs is no longer being met, the individual will temporarily re-prioritize those needs by focusing attention on the unfulfilled needs, but will not permanently regress to the lower level. For instance, a businessman at the esteem level who is diagnosed with cancer will spend a great deal of time concentrating on his health (physiological needs), but will continue to value his work performance (esteem needs) and will likely return to work during periods of remission.
Are you affiliated with a religious group or organization?
No, we are not affiliated with any group or religion. Yes, we believe that human beings have a spiritual aspect. We are non-dogmatic and non-doctrinaire and advocate a direct knowing with yourself. Our intention is to teach you a simple yet powerful system that empowers you.
FlameTree: the personal development and healing system is based on science and is delivered to you in an intensive four-day seminar. You will have access to the thoughts and insights of some of the most progressive, leading edge thinkers in the world. We research, integrate and present the teachings of those people who we find to be within their personal integrity and who offer interesting and uplifting perspectives beyond which their ego needs to impress.
How FlameTree sessions acheive expression of your Optimal Self
Tension in the body is like having inflexibility in our beliefs. This tension creates unhealthy bio-electric signals and cues, an unhealthy biofield and the unhealthy expression of the bio-electric code, correcting your biofield is the foundation of FlameTree sessions.
When we surround ourselves with an unhealthy biofield, we become more reactive to life, preventing us from being present and calm, as well as robbing us of the ability to find solutions to life’s problems. We end up attracting more unhealthy bio-electric signals and cues into our life! We are no longer in alignment, synergy, authenticity and synergism (Be-ing), and this holds us back from being our optimal self, reaching our fullest potential and living our life of purpose.
What does an in-person session look like?
During an in-person session you will be lying on a massage table or in comfortable space where you can relax. In your session your healer will lightly hold the inside of your wrist for the majority of the session as your body provides feedback to your healer. The FlameTree Healer conducts the myocyte/tendon reflex response (our Yes/No tool) and asks the questions from the FlameTree protocol (since you only have a Yes or No answer, the questions are KEY!).
Towards the end of the session your healer will apply FlameTree techniques, holding your head and your heart and depending on what is a priority for you in that session, you will be asked to place light touch on the required areas of the body indicated for healing. Here, the healer will release the stories that have been affecting the functioning of the body mind complex, which improves communication. The areas of touch are the areas that the story affected or that are not communicating, or not communicating as well as they could be, (this is waking up the body to the fact there is something to do, something to fix) kind of like right before you read this next sentence, you were not aware of how the clothes on your back felt or how the seat under your bottom felt, but when they are brought to your awareness, you are suddenly aware of the contact.
We are bringing these areas (that are not communicating) to the body’s awareness, simply by touching the reflex areas, just like telling you about the clothes on your back and your body realizing (again) that they are there. As we are touching these reflex areas, we hold your head and heart. This is literally stimulating the body to heal itself (verified by ECG’s, Biofeedback machines & Oldfield camera) and keeping those changes permanent, respectively. This way we don’t have go back and fix that problem or lack of communication again! You will never have the same session or problem again!
Many techniques are indicated in a session, generally ranging from 2- 10.
Some techniques that may be indicated in a session can include assisting deep relaxation by reseting the nervous system; improving brain communication and co-ordination; improved focus; improved decision making; hydration function enhanced; moving organs, endocrines, body parts, and even chakras. Emotions may be released; thoughts processed; beliefs & limitations fragmented, physical pain alleviated; scars dissipated; vaccine fragments eliminated; intolerances balanced; the list goes on.
We then ask the innate wisdom if what we did was sufficient. If no, we go back and re-release the story. Once we have confirmation that what we did worked, we then find the next thing that the innate wisdom wants us to do. We then touch the person on those spots; hold them on the head and heart.
Simple, Easy, and EXTREMELY effective!
Are sessions hand-made, uniquely and individually tailored for me?
Yes. FlameTree: the personal development & healing system sessions are easy, safe and comfortable; they are free from expectation, judgement or agendas and are hand-made, uniquely and individually tailored for you. All sessions are conducted fully clothed. FlameTree: the personal development & healing systemsessions usually lasts between 15 and 45 minutes, however some have gone for over three hours. The length of a session in no way indicates the quality of the session or the results that occur. Short and sweet sessions can be quite profound. The bodymind is aware of the order and number of corrections it is required to initiate in any given session, and indicates when that amount of work is complete, hence signalling the completion of the session. This results in some fantastic benefits, a few of which are discussed on our benefits page.
Is there anything I need to do during the session?
No. All you need to do is relax and let the Healer lightly touch reflex points and hold your head and over your heart.
How long will the sessions take?
Each session usually lasts for about 30 minutes- 1 hour; with time after the session for an explanation about your stories.
How will you know what is wrong with me?
That is the beauty of FlameTree: the personal development & healing system. We don’t have to know what is wrong with you. Your success in healing is not limited by our ability to diagnose what is wrong with you.
FlameTree: the personal development & healing system and the innate wisdom of your Being, guides us to help improve the communication within you, so your body can heal itself. It does this independent of whether or not you have an accurate diagnosis. And usually, it happens “better” if there is no diagnosis present. This is possible because the diagnosis tells you nothing about the cause or how to help the body heal.
It is the innate wisdom of your body that guides us to help it make the changes necessary, so it CAN heal you, just like when you cut your finger.
Are sessions hand-made, uniquely and individually tailored for me?
What we do is look at your entire system. Your body has many different things that are contributing to your symptoms/disease/issue. What we do is ask the innate wisdom what it wants to do to help you heal. The innate wisdom knows everything that is “wrong” and it takes all of that into account, and then tells us what to do to help you heal. And, since we look at your entire being, instead of just the symptom, many of the major factors that contribute to your symptom, we are able to assist you in healing quicker, and with longer lasting results.
So in essence, we assist you to heal, and when your body heals, it usually means your symptoms disappear. So we don’t treat your symptoms, we assist your body, and your body heals your symptoms.
What does a remote session look like?
You will meet your healer via zoom unless you do not have access to face-to-face technology. It is not essential for your FlameTree healer to know any of your previous history to carry out a FlameTree healing session, however it is nice to meet before and create a warm environment and hear a friendly voice on the other line.
Your introductory call will end and your Flametree healer uses a surrogate or other methods to perform your FlameTree session. Once your session is complete, you will be connected to your healer again via zoom or phone for a discussion of your session, bringing your conscious mind into the equation for your healing.
Remote sessions will varry between healers depending on the additional health modalities they have to offer.
How many FlameTree sessions will I need?
There is no specific answer to this question.
How many years have you been alive, forming unhealthy habits, beliefs, years of conditioning, sabotage, challenging events, traumas and so on, have occured over your life time? How many times did you ‘not listen’ to your bodies messages? After 10 sessions of FlameTree you will not be able to return to your old self, this is enlightenment.
Your other than conscious mind, the observer, has stored your every experience. You carry everything with you on a day to day basis influencing every moment, thought, feeling, choice and action.
The general protocol recommended is 5 in 5. This means 5 sessions, 1 every 5 days. This is a general recommendation based on observation over the last 3 decades practising FlameTree.
Some people have obtained the results they were after in only the first session and others come fortnightly or monthly for ‘tune ups’, so the journey is yours.
FlameTree adresses disease states as well as human development and transformation.
Do you prescribe any supplements or products?
No products are prescribed in a FlameTree session. Your FlameTree Healer can do a session anywere, with their hands only.
In a FlameTree session, the only way products or supplements are indicated is if your innate wisdom directs your healer to other modalities. If, for example, your healer is also a qualified naturopath or Chinese medicine doctor, tinctures, herbs or supplements may be indicated, or even a consultation indicated under their qualified field of practice.
If your healer is not qualified to prescribe products, and if indicated during your session, you will be advised and referred to a practitioner that may assist.
The Rhett Ogston Applications comprise a variety of wellness courses, techniques and products therefore if you are coming for a session with the founder, Rhett Ogston, learning specific techniques eg, UEFT for emotional freedom may be advised additionally for achieving optimal results.
Can I have a FlameTree session if I'm pregnant
Yes, we’ve had FlameTree clients undergoing healing sessions through out their whole pregnancy including for post-partum healing as sessions are extemly beneficial for pregnancy pains and issues during pregnancy.
You can read a review here.
FlameTree Healers
Advanced Certified FlameTree Healers
Rhett Ogston (FlameTree founder)
Dr. George Dellas (Chinese medicine)
Certified FlameTree Healers
Lan Nguyen
Dorothy Magoffin
* each practitioner sets their own fees.
* you can book a session with the founder here at Rhett Ogston Applications.
How can I learn FlameTree for Self Healing?
Advanced FlameTree Self healing techniques are now taught in the Basic 6-day FlameTree course. You will learn a variety of techniques which allows you to perform sessions and healings for yourself at any time. Once you have completed your course, your facilitator will teach you how to apply the system and techniques for yourself. Now more than ever we need techniques available for ourselves that empowers us to move through challenges, overcome road blocks, remove limitations, heal emotions and pathologies and allow us to acheive optimal health, wellness and purpose.
You can see our scheduled course dates here, in person & streamed live online.
How can I learn FlameTree?
The Basic 6-day FlameTree course is taught live in Melbourne, Australia 4 times a year. These courses can be streamed live world-wide therefore distance in not a limitation.
The FlameTree course is not an online course for each course is different and includes 6 days of personal healing as well for every student.
You will learn a variety of techniques which allows you to perform sessions and healings for yourself at any time. Once you have completed your course, your facilitator will teach you how to apply the system and techniques for yourself with the addition of the Self Healing techniques from the Advanced FlameTree course. Now more than ever we need techniques available for ourselves that empowers us to move through challenges, overcome road blocks, remove limitations, heal emotions and pathologies and allow us to acheive optimal health, wellness and purpose.
You can see our scheduled course dates here, in person & streamed live online.
What are the learning pathways within FlameTree?
After completing FlameTree: the personal development & healing system – Student Tuition you can complete the Healer Exam to gain the qualification: Certified FlameTree: the personal development & healing system Healer, to start living and practicing FlameTree professionally. You can then choose to attend further tuition that will allow you to be competent at an Advanced Healer level. Should you wish to share FlameTree message with others, you may continue your journey and become a certified FlameTree Instructor. The FlameTree Instructor Assessment course can be completed once you are qualified as a FlameTree Healer. You can also become an Advanced Instructor, once competent as an Advanced Healer and Instructor.
You can see our scheduled course dates here, in person & streamed live online.
What is the FlameTree Healers role?
Simply put the role of the practitioner, via FlameTree: the personal development & healing system, is to aid the client in fulfilling the lower needs (Maslow’s heirachy), so they can progress to self actualization and self transcendence through healing the split mind.
How does a FlameTree Healer think?
A FlameTree Healer has been taught a unique way of learning at the beginning of their training that utilizes cutting edge learning technologies that result in ‘whole brain thinking’. The FlameTree Healer then uses their knowledge of theFlameTree protocol, driven by FlameTree procedure to discover the split mind and weakened connections via the reflex response. FlameTree: the personal development & healing system procedure is the Healer’s compass and the FlameTree protocol chart is the Healer’s map of the bodymind complex. Each section of the protocol addresses a specific level of the bodymind, including all spiritual, energetic, sexual, emotional, mental, internal, physical and external levels found inside and outside of the body. The FlameTree practitioner uses their whole brain to identify the story’s that need release, which the bodymind complex then transforms into healing stimuli.
How is FlameTree different to Bodytalk?
On the surface FlameTree and BodyTalk may look similar and that would make sense because Rhett is a like Gary Craig who founded EFT (emotional freedom technique) from TFT (thought field therapy). That is, Rhett was the world’s first advanced BodyTalk practitioner and he went to Canada to complete his training as a certified BodyTalk instructor, all of this he completed whilst consistently working on and developing FlameTree (which started in Melbourne, Australia circa 2001 during the founders time completing his Honours year at Melbourne University).
What are the similarities with BodyTalk therapy?
Both systems acknowledge the innate wisdom, use a myocyte tendon reflex response and follow a protocol and procedure.
What are the differences with BodyTalk therapy?
FlameTree is based in consciousness and was created because the founder mapped the human psyche into distinct energetic frequencies, which are unique to FlameTree. The FlameTree modality is curretly the only system that can heal the body fractally with its protocol. FlameTree is the only system to address the bodies 8 frequencys.
Which represents better value?
FlameTree was created incorporating everything that BodyTalk has, which makes sense, as there no point in reinventing the wheel. FlameTree then far extends on the knowledge of BodyTalk by being able to seamlessly incorporate each of the different frequencies of the BodyMind complex.
14 Reasons why you need to incorporate FlameTree Sessions into your Life or Learn how to apply this System for Yourself
- Unique understanding of the psyche and energetic frequencies of the BodyMind complex
- Unique engineering and design that allows for complete adaptability to the client
- Can incorporates every other modality and enhances their results (Incorporates everything that BodyTalk has)
- Represents all that is and is based in consciousness
- World leading understanding relating to the psyche and consciousness (many other systems still operate based on body mind spirit, when there is so much more)
- Each client is unique and FlameTree adapts itself to the client
- Is completely reproducible, even by lay people
- Can treat multiple different frequencies, issues and problems in one session
- Scientifically based
- Harmoniously matches science and ancient traditional Chinese medical principles
- Has to be learned to understand why it is light years ahead of everything else
- Saves you time
- Saves you money
- Provides you with all the answers to life, from YOU, not from anyone else.

FlameTree: the personal development & healing system is the signature Rhett Ogston Application (ROA)