Key Points
- Talks about fear in context of covid at the time.
- Revision of what you can do with details.
- If we want to take anything in universe and make it a more identifiable object
- Anatomy – make it smaller. Can go left or right, top or bottom.
- Concept – details yes, anatomy yes, using rosemary as example: memory, cooking, lamb,
- Concepts be prepared to get out of your comfort zone.
- Don’t validate changes for clients.
- Just because they haven’t noticed it not working doesn’t mean it hasn’t.
- What you observe is absolute so what you have observed has already worked.
- 10 sessions generally show 80% improvement.
- Consciousness – group think. What is the person most resonating with.
- Practice by picking up items and asking what they mean.
- Tonics – can take through all concepts, all consciousness, and tonics.
- Case study for client with chest pain d/c
- Case study of client with returned bloods now within range that has not been.
- There are more functions in the universe than we think.
- Practice different mind sets
Set Tasks
- Pick a tonic and try and map it out using your own life situation to practice expanding with it.