Key Points

  • Downward spiral = stories we tell ourselves
  • Talks about case histories.
  • Science on remotes
  • Quantum physics and entanglement across dengue river
  • Talks about science of remotes.
  • You can do advanced on anyone anywhere anytime.
  • Talks about houses.
  • Test visual recall – where are all the magic circles and boxes.
  • Talks about genetic blueprint.
  • Remember anatomy can only be no for genetic blueprint!
  • You will find your own flavour.
  • Try and memorise a house feature – ped list
  • How to test the information in the manual i.e… sentence, paragraph example.
  • Important for technique and personality
  • Talk only about that has been indicated not what has been left out. – context in the call is houses
  • Look at what is being said – interpterion’s.
  • Write out the technique each time for each root as it’s a focus point.
  • Good reminder not to doubt the system.
  • Tip to separate the sections if it’s easier for you.
  • Explaining remote sessions