Key Points
- Scars – details Yes – Anatomy – yes
- ECM – makes memories passive.
- Study – You are your own hardest critic as quoted by Einstein– if you have never failed you have never tried something new. Showing up with an open mindset and courage.
- Be soft with yourself, it’s ok to have high standards but give yourself a break if you don’t achieve everything you need to do.
- Example of growth mindset, focus on what you have achieved not what you haven’t done.
- Be as flexible in your life as you can to set the example by mirroring to your clients.
- We get to do what we choose to do and that’s a beautiful thing.
- You not here because you must be, you’re here because you choose to be.
- ECM of Jealousy with concept of fingering – discuss.
- Art of interpretation
- Reminder of what the terms mean to the person driving the system.
- A word can have many meanings – example word fingering diverse meaning.
- What does that “detail” mean to you but the context of how the client resonates.
- If you really get stuck come back to what were you testing in the moment?
- You will naturally build your words over time.
- Fractal nature
- Cannot end a session in a fractal.
- Remember writing from root to tip.
- Gives context to a fractal tracing for example – correcting the energetics of the base chakra’s internal environment.
- A way to practice fractals.
- What’s the anatomy of internal environment normally – all the internal mechanisms of the base charkra.
- A charka is a spinning vortex of energy, what does it look like inside?
- Talks about how the direction maybe meant to be one way and isn’t and that can be the impact.
- If you know what the meaning is in a parent protocol, you’ll know what it means in a fractal.
- What would the internal environment and charkra as a example?
- Example of how you feel may not be the issue it’s the thoughts. Give examples of why medications and herbs don’t help.
- Extensive discussion of fractals
- Fractal protocols