Key Points
- Talks about the eternal warrior and the four stages of the awakening process.
- Realise you have been lied too!
- Get angry about it.
- Make change.
- Be flexible.
- Talks about goals for certifying.
- (Old exam) hint and tips
- Need to know the tonics.
- How to write up a session
- Example of interference, being recorded without knowing.
Covers flame tree methodology.
- Four things you must be observed:
- Must observe PPC for the specific techniques traced.
- Lymphatics important to know on the exam.
- Observe them “being” active process of who you are being – increasing your alignment, synergy, and authenticity, being optimal self and living purposefully.
- Bullet point list to observe increasing their resonance which means to their closed system, frequency increases.
- Increase in-self generating health bio electric field (talks about how this stops healer dependency
- Increase in energy.
- Increase in cognition and individuation how they understand themselves.
- Healthily expression of uni- code the beginning
- An increase in coherence – more together more harmonised. Resolving any deficiency needs MH. of needs. Safety needs met then growth needs.
- Open to all possibilities undifferenced – back at drawing board level.
- Observing making and storing of the changes.
- Need to be able to answer what is being observed for the exam.
- Example of tracing – Mental > Y > Details > Y > Function > Y – Tonics collected > Nanny > present time – Still must get magic boxes and magic circles.
- Discussion of mental frequency
- The art of interpretation
- Practise session