Key Points
- Talks about importance of regular case study submissions.
- What to do if you are running out of time and client needs to leave.
- You can’t just end a session it doesn’t work like that; the ending of a sessions comes from the innate.
- Example of continued tracing in permissions all over the place, Rhett explained it is likely because the detail needing to be hit was not being hit.
- talks about HSP and using technique in item before.
- What is the FT effect?
- An unhealthily bio electric single and cue is negative aspect fear or grief or emotion.
- These have a heavy dragging down sensation.
- Transforming them to healthy ones, gives that lighter feeling that then puts them in synergy, authenticity.
- swimming with current and against
- healthy cell, healthy bio field
- discusses case study –
- HSP – influences the story before or after you need to influence the context of the story.
- example: mental frequency is the item – HSP – is tonic – fear of growing old.
- more understanding = clearer tracing
- Item is off protocol.
Remote sessions
Anchor points
FlameTree effect
Importance of remembering & not remembering
Power source
Case history – Tracing tonics