- Key Points
- FTH holds anchor points – do not need to be anatomically correct.
- In CH & R if unable to hold chest can turn on side and hold back
- Really focus attention when delivering techniques
- We hold anchor points.
- Client holds representative points.
- Longer than 6 seconds is longer than innate and client going into memory.
- Sex/Sen if client can’t name body part use magic circle.
- If you get a specific date client doesn’t remember it is s when a dynamic shift has occurred
- Mental > thoughts> Y > D > N tonics only, no fragmentation/ defragmentation
- Don’t include headings of anatomy in notes or doing ask during tracing it is not necessary.
- Dog story for not remembering details.
- Why we can seem insensitive about trauma when really, it’s just no charge is surrounding the memory.
- Discusses symbols.
- Good understanding why not asking headings.
- Talks about connections removal and form in Ke’nek.
- the holding of anchor points
- symbols
- poster series
- new lists and resources
- importance of remembering and not remembering 7.2.4
- headings of anatomy boxes
Set Tasks
- Read section 7.2.4 How to explain FT